

Yintoni iViton®?

IViton® luphawu olushiyiweyo lwefluoroelastomer yinkampani yaseDupont.Isixhobo sikwabizwa ngokuba yifluoroelastomer/ FPM/ FKM.Inokuxhathisa okukhulu kumafutha, ioli, iikhemikhali, ubushushu, i-ozone, i-acids.Isetyenziswa ngokubanzi kwi-aerospace, i-automotive, semiconductors, kumashishini epetroleum.

Kukho amabanga ahlukeneyo eViton®, ibakala A, B, GBL, F, GF, GLT, ETP.

I-Viton®A yi-bisphenol enyangekayo nge-copolymer, amabanga aqhelekileyo aziwa njenge-A361C,A401C, A601C zinyangwa zifakwe kwi-copolymer, kunye ne-A200, A500 azinyangeki.

I-Viton®B yi-bisphenol terpolymer enyangekayo, amabanga aqhelekileyo yi-B601C, B651C.

Ibakala leViton®GBL liiperoxide fluoroelastomer enyangekayo, kunye nebakala le-GF linqanaba eliphezulu leperoxide yesiqulatho sefluorine.

Ibakala leViton®GLT linqanaba eliphantsi lokumelana nobushushu fkm.

IViton®ETP sisiseko soxhaso lwebakala fkm.

FUDI supply above all equivablent grade fluoroelastomers. Please feel free to contact us by www.fudifkm.com and sales@fudichem.com. Doris Xie is the marketing manager 0086-18683723460.


Ixesha lokuposa: Jul-19-2022